- Pengisian Buletin -
Minggu, 04 November 2007
One] Who was your last text from? ~ My Bestestfriend, Angelin Gloria Pardosi
[Two] Where was your default picture taken? ~ Izzi Pizza, Blok M
[ Three] What's your middle name? : Ga ada tuch
[Four] Your current relationship stat us? ~ in a relationship
[Five ] Does your crush like you back? ~ Mudahan-mudahan (Cross my fingers)
[ Six] What is your current mood? ~ Pengen ketawa
[Seve n] Who was your last call from? ~ Sayangku, Megat
[Eight] What color shirt are you wearing? ~ Purple
[Ten] If you could go back in time and change something, would you? ~ sure.. I wish I did not meet him.
[Twelve] Ever had a near death experience? ~ No...
[Thirteen] Something you do a lot? ~ ngupil.... hehe.. ooohh... ilfeel
[ Fifteen] Who can you tell anything to? : Uwi and Angel, oh and Megat of course
[Sixteen] Name someone with the same birthday as you? : Ada, kak Yessy, kakak kelas gw di Ricci dulu. Sekarang dia juga ada di Moestopo juga kok
[Seven teen] When was the last time you cried? ~ Gw masih inget, tanggal 18 October 2007. Terakhir kalinya gw nangisin Zaki, karena gw dapet cowok baru.....
[Twent y - one] What do you usually order from starbucks? ~ Teh Tubruk... (capek de nit)
[Twenty - two] What's your biggest secret?that i.... ~ That I am in love with a guy, named ....
[Twent y-three]What's your favorite colour? ~ my fave is green at the moment
[Twent y- f ive] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? ~ Ga lah... bahkan adult movies juga ga nonton gw. Sangat sibuklah diriku ini...
[Twent y-six] What are you eating or drinking at the moment? ~ Nothing. Udah malam, jangan kebanyakan nyemil, bisa jadi balon lagi gw...
[Twenty- eight] What's your favorite smell?: ~ Gasoline maybe.. ga deng. Aromatherapy di kantor gw, yang judulnya "soothing"
[Twenty-n ine] Describe your life in one word at this moment? ~ Complicated
[T hirty] Have you ever cried in the rain? ~ haha kayak sinetron aje....
[Thirty-o ne] What is your favorite football team? ~ apa ya, Persija...
[Thirty-t wo] What are you thinking about right now? ~ umm... kapan aku bisa bertemu dirimu, sayangku Megat?
[Thi rty -three] What should you be doing? ~ ummm nothing. Semuanya dah beres, jadi ga ada yang harus gw kerjain
[Thir ty-five] What are you waiting now? ~ For my love to come. Ya ga hun?
[Thirty- six] Do you like working in the yard? ~ My favorite thing lah itu
[Thirt y-seven] If you could have any last name in the world, what would it be? ~ Jocz kali ya
[Thirty-ei ght] Do you act differently around the person you like? ~ Tergantung. Kalau udah lama jadiannya, keluar dong asli gw...
[Thir ty-nine] What is your natural hair color? ~ black
[Forty] Who was the last person made you laugh? ~ AngelLabel: quiz
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