- Quotes By Benjamin Franklin -
Selasa, 18 Desember 2007
Quotes By Benjamin Franklin :
"Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other."
"Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other."
"He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals." [Ini bukannya namanya narsis?]
"I didn't fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong." [Bisa dibilang sama kayak kegagalan yang tertunda...]
"Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one." [Kalau pendapat gw sih... Kemarahan itu ga bakal terjadi tanpa alasan, tapi amarah itu jarang banget yang berguna.. ataupun jarang sekali amarah bersifat baik.]
"If you would be loved, love and be lovable."
"When men and woman die, as poets sung, his heart's the last part moves, her last, the tongue." [ HAHAHA.. kalau dari penangkapan gw, si Benjamin Franklin mau menggambarkan betapa cerewetnya seorang wanita.. bahkan ketika ajal menjemput juga... dasar...]
"He that can have patience can have what he will." [Tuh... Nit.... Camkan baik-baik!!!]
"Half a truth is often a great lie." Gw masih ga ngerti maksudnya apa? ada yang mau berbaik hati sama gw jelasin maksudnya?
"Fatigue is the best pillow."
"He that displays too often his wife and his wallet is in danger of having both of them borrowed." HAHA bodoh
"He that speaks much, is much mistaken."
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
"There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one's self." [Babi!!!! Bener banget!!]
"If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality"
"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins."
"Lost time is never found again."
"Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it." [you know sayang... ini saatnya logika bermain??]
"There are two ways of being happy: We must either diminish our wants or augment our means - either may do - the result is the same and it is for each man to decide for himself and to do that which happens to be easier."
"There are three faithful friends - an old wife, an old dog, and ready money."
"Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out."
"When you're finished changing, you're finished."Label: Quotes by
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